Garden Dirt -- President's Corner
I promised myself that after this particularly cold, nasty winter that I would never complain about our hot, humid, hazy days in the Northern Neck. But, that’s unseasonably hot, humid and hazy! I’d like to officially add ―steamy to that description as well. I guess it’s just human nature to complain about something (in this case, the weather).

I wouldn’t change anything about it though. I love living in (on) the Northern Neck.
Soon we will be celebrating the 4th of July, a federal holiday in the U.S. commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbeques, carnivals, picnics and family reunions. Kilmarnock’s Main Street will soon be decorated with flags and abuzz with visitors to the Northern Neck. Celebrations will occur more frequently. It’s simply a wonderful time of the year.
On June 16, I attended the Kilmarnock Garden Club’s fundraiser featuring floral designer Virgil Winslow. The room was packed with ladies from all over the area. I sat with a group of women from a garden club in Gloucester. Virgil Winslow, the featured designer, was terrific.
RGC is busy as well. In July, we will have a workshop to practice the designs that have been selected for our Small/Standard Flower Show in September. Look at your Yearbook and come prepared to participate. Jenny Boyenga will lead the workshop. We should have a lot of fun. Also, at the July meeting, bring your one favorite ―Best in Show horticulture or food specimen. Showcase the best of the best from your gardens.
Flower Show School, Course II, is being held on August 24 through 27 at The Kirkley Hotel and Conference Center in Lynchburg. Sue Kirkman will teach the one-day horticulture section showcasing Heirloom Tomatoes, Peppers and Echinacea. Frances Thrash will teach the Flower Show Procedure and Design section of the course in which she will introduce American Creative Design having minor to moderate abstraction. Both ladies are well credentialed and come highly recommended. You can come for all or part of the course. Even if you take the entire course, you do not have to take the exam if you choose not to. Come for one day, two days or the whole course. Details about Course II are in your Old Dominion Gardener, Summer 2015 issue, pages 11 to 13. I have signed up for the full course. I hope you will join me!! Course I was extremely informative.
So many fun things going on this time of the year. I just love it. I hope to see you at the July workshop.
— Cathie